This is The Room,to shape your projects and ideas.

A 360 Creative Studio that helps building and developing brands.

And who is behind the studio?

Hi! I am Patricia,
a multidisciplinar Designer, specialized in Branding & Visual Communication.

I have almost 10 years of experience in the sector, combining Marketing, Advertising, Visual Merchandising and of course, Graphic Design.

In the past few years I have been focusing on Graphic Design, more specifically on branding; creation, re-desing and development of brands all over the globe.

I love communication in all its versions, and through Design I find the perfect way to show and communicate things, in a creative and attractive way.

And yes, how we express and show things counts. A lot.

Design is not about “creating beautiful things”, but to effectively communicate with a purpose, of course in an attractive way. And when it comes to brands, it is even more important.

Your façade, what you show to the world, directly affects your credibility, your professionalism, your trust and in the end, your sales.

You should be dedicating your time to what you are really good at, your strategy, your future growth, instead of wasting time deciding “which font to use for this post” or “would this random color, help me highlight this section in my web?”.

Just focus on the really important matter: your business or project.

If you feel that your current Visual Identity, doesn’t represent your brand anymore, it just doesn’t.

You are the one who better knows what you want to express.
If you are not happy with your brand and what you are communicating with it, other people will more unlikely do so.

It is time to turn it into something
you really like and believe in.

Your business or project deserves a proffesional Visual Identity.

Let’s create a brand you really like. A brand you would definitely consume.

You know what you want to show.
Let me define and shape the how.

Are you ready to professionalize your brand?⚡️
→Let’s talk!​
→See Services

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